Special Discount!


Below are a listing of hourly rates and bulk pricing for rental services. Purchased hours and packages have NO EXPIRY DATE.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 767-2646

Base Hourly Rates — rates specific to each group listed below

  • Table Top Long Arm Quilting Machine “George” $25 / hr
  • Long Arm Quilting Machine on 12 Foot Frame “Millie” $35 / hr

George – Table Top Long Arm Quilting Machine

20 Hour GEORGE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package – BEST DEAL

  • You receive 1200 minutes (20hrs) of service for the price of 960 minutes (16hrs) PLUS and additional 240 minutes (4hrs) of service for Sewing / Crafting machine rental and/or Embroidery machine rental FREE (a total value of$580)
    • Base Rate $400 / HST $52 / Total $452

12 Hour GEORGE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package

  • You receive 720 minutes (12hrs) of service for the price of 648 minutes (10.8hrs) PLUS and additional 120 minutes (2hrs) for Sewing / Crafting machine rental AND/OR Embroidery machine rental FREE (a total value of $340)
    • Base Rate $270 / HST $35.10 / Total $305.10

6 Hour GEORGE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package

  • You receive 360 minutes of service for the price of 336 minutes PLUS 60 minutes of EITHER Sewing / Crafting Machine OR Embroidery Machine rental FREE (a total value of $170)
    • Base Rate $140 / HST $18.20 /Total $158.20

Millie – Long Arm Quilting Machine with Quilt Path Computer system

NOTE: ALL Millie users are REQUIRED to complete a 3 hour introductory session BEFORE they can use the machine independently. You can use any BULK HOURS purchased towards this training time.

25 Hour MILLIE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package – BEST DEAL

  • You receive 1500 minutes (25hrs) of service for the price of 1200 minutes (20hrs) PLUS an additional 360 minutes of service for George AND/OR Embroidery machine rental FREE (a total value of $1025)
    • Base Rate $700 / HST $91 / Total $791

15 Hour MILLIE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package

  • You receive 900 minutes (15hrs) of service for the price of 780 minutes (13hrs) PLUS an additional 180 minutes of service for George AND/OR Embroidery machine rental FREE (a total value of $600)
    • Base Rate: $455 / HST $59.15 / Total $514.15

10 Hour MILLIE Rental Bulk Hourly Rate Package

  • You receive 600 minutes (10hrs) of service for the price of 540 minutes (9hrs) PLUS an additional 120 minutes (2hrs) of service for George AND/OR Embroidery machine rental FREE (a total value of $400)
    • Base Rate: $315 / HST $40.95 / Total $355.95